Patents and Trademarks: the importance of Valuation for effective anegotiations

Valorar Patentes y Marcas

Understanding the market value of patents and trademarks is not only best practice in business management but a strategic necessity. Accurate knowledge of these intellectual properties is essential for executives and financial officers who aim to maximize their intellectual capital in various commercial transactions. Why is Accurate Valuation of Patents and Trademarks Critical? Accurate valuation … Read more

How can we protect professional or business activity?

protección actividad empresarial y profesional

How to protect innovative activity? Having a clear strategy facilitates and adds value to your project. When we start up an activity or business, it is essential to have a protection strategy in order to maintain any advantage we may have over our competitors. It is essential to know the different protection instruments available for … Read more

How much is my patent or trademark worth?

cuanto vale mi marca o patente

Patents, models and trademarks – How to value them? Knowing the market value of these assets is important information for company managers and economic and financial managers, as this knowledge can enable them to carry out commercial manoeuvres, buy and sell, and obtain liquidity and financing. It is also useful when a private individual wants … Read more